Reach & Engage
Use precise targeting to find the right prospects and grow your audience. Capture their attention with messages that match who they are.
EcommercePagesEmail MarketingEmail SegmentationSubscription FormsSite trackingDeliverability
Nurture & Educate
Grow your relationship with your audience by providing tailored guidance. Help them learn what's available to address their needs.
Marketing AutomationMessaging & Text (SMS)Automation MapAutomation GoalsDynamic ContentEvent trackingFacebook Custom Audiences
Convert & Close
As their confidence in you grows, provide individual audience menbers with well-timed calls to action to take the next step with you.
CRM & Sales Automationcontact & lead scoringpipelinesWin probabilitysplit actionAttributionSalesforce App
Support & Grow
Delight each customer by knowing what they want, when they want it. Make them so happy that they buy more and tell others why they did.
Conversations & chatLoyaltySplit testingPredictive SendingPredictive ContactSite messagesWeb personalization
Committed To Your Success

One-on-one training, free migration, and  a helping hand whenever you need it

ActiveCampaign’s Customer Success Commitment is a set of promises from us to you. Across value, service, and trust, these 14 promises guarantee that you’ll always be able to get what you need, when you need it.
Subscription management
Pause your account
2-year price lock
Only pay for marketable contacts
Satisfaction guarantee
Free migration
Accessible hands-on training
Free online training & support
Community access
Value-added templates & guides
Free accelerated digital onboarding
Pre-built automation recipes
Certified ecosystem of consultants
Trust with transparency
Expert deliverability
Uptime is high priority
You own your data
The right to respond to every message
Delivering on CXA in every channel
Inclusive to global businesses
Your ideas made real in the platform
Flexible packages for companies of every size

Send exactly what your contacts want

Beautiful email marketing is only the beginning. Send newsletters and messages targeted to each contact’s interests. Make every campaign you send feel personal.

Email Marketing
Dynamic Content
Be personal

Automation gives you back your time

Make it easy to run your marketing. Set up a welcome series with email automation, segment your contacts, or use simple workflows to automate the marketing no one has time for.

Content Management
Email Marketing
Get back time

Sales automation helps you sell more

A CRM with email and sales automation keeps all your customer data organized in one platform. Manage your pipelines, update deals, and always follow up at the perfect moment.

Win Probability
Lead Scoring
Sell more

Message your customers when it matters most

Make meaningful connections with your customers. Answer questions, recommend products, offer sales, or ask for feedback at the exact moment they’re most engaged.

Site Messaging
Engagement Tracking
Make connections

It doesn’t stop at email marketing…

We’re constantly refining our product. Adding new features. Working to help your business grow.

Advanced Reporting

Find out what's working and what's not. Dig into your data to find opportunities to grow.
Check results 

Integrated Forms

Create custom forms to collect emails, get more customers, and start your automations.
Make forms 

Site Tracking

See what people do on your website. Use that info to turn them into customers.
Track behavior

Training and Support

Get fast, 1-on-1 support and training. Access our library of tutorial videos and help guides.
Get support

Migration Services

We'll help you move everything from your current software for free. Yup, free.
Migrate free

Gmail Extension

Work out of your Gmail account and manage your contacts from anywhere online.
Use Gmail

Email Segmentation

Group your contacts by location, age, and almost any behavior with advanced segmentation tools.
Target contacts

Automation Goals

Measure your marketing by creating customizable, automated goals.
Measure marketing


Access your contacts, send emails, check tasks, and update deals on the go.
Go mobile

See it for yourself

Try it free. No credit card required. Instant setup.

See why 150,000+ businesses choose ActiveCampaign to grow

Museum of Science and Industry's Story

A few years ago we realized we needed to be more sophisticated with how we send emails.

— Steven Beasley, MSI
Read more of MSI's story

Morrow Audio's Story

With ActiveCampaign, I’ve found it very easy to integrate with Shopify. With just a couple clicks you’re synchronized. It’s always working in the background, collecting data from Shopify.

— Mike Morrow, Morrow Audio
Read more of Mike's story

Hipcooks Story

Localizing our content keeps our customers engaged, because we’re able to write about produce that’s relevant to the season in that community.

— Monika Reti, Hipcooks
Read more of Monika's story

Heather Read’s Story

As a photographer and a mother, it’s so important for me to have that extra time that I save using ActiveCampaign because I can focus more on my art and I can focus more on building relationships with the clients versus the tedious mundane things that so much time didn’t need to be spent on.

— Heather Read, Heather Read Photography
Read more of Heather's story

The Produce Mom’s Story

Through the ActiveCampaign platform, we are able to create a marketing funnel of school foodservice directors throughout the United States and provide them with content that is very specific to their needs , impacting over a billion annual school meals.

— Lori Taylor, The Produce Moms
Read more of Lori's story
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